Have you ever read a book that touched you so much that you had to find the author and communicate your gratitude?
Children’s books can elicit the same response.
Children can love a book so much that parents reach out to authors. The Internet makes it easy to do so. Parents can find authors through their websites and social media platforms. Before the wide use of social media finding authors usually could only be done through sending letters to publishers. I have received letters from parents that were sent to publishers for me and I have received correspondence directly from parents who found my contact information on the Internet. I cherish the letters and I also cherish the immediacy of the contact through social media.
The following is a message I received from a parent in Los Angeles who located me through social media.
“My daughter and I just finished reading When Grandmama Sings and it started a discussion about segregation, acceptance, and loving others. Thank you! We enjoyed the book.”
Mothers not only contact me, but fathers do too. The following is an email I received from a father who discovered my contact information on my website.
“When Grandmama Sings is so realistic and convincing my daughter and I tried to find the history of the singer and her band.”
It brings me much joy to know that my books, not only touch children, but parents as well.
I have even received messages from parents in other countries. The following is an email I received from a father who lives in Israel.
“I am an American-Israeli citizen living practically my whole life in Israel. I have a daughter (5) whom I just finished reading the book you guys wrote and illustrated – Uncle Jed’s Barbershop. Apart from the story beautifully unfolding, the illustrations are amazing and true to life. When I got to the part where she arrives at the hospital and you describe the segregation, I ask my daughter, “What do you think? Are black people and white people any different?” Her answer is simple and touching. “Aba (father in Hebrew), you are a person. She is a person. We are all the same.” Needless to say, the rest of the story was read to her with tears in my eyes. The ending was inspiring and beautiful. And I do not usually go out of my way to find authors and illustrators of the many books I read to her. But this one was a special one. So thank you, for the beauty in storytelling, and the most splendid illustrations accompanying the book. Keep up the good work! With much appreciation!”
Hearing from parents warms my heart. I get such joy from receiving such communication. What makes the letters, emails, and social media messages extra special is that I do not know the people who take time to reach out to let me know that my books touched them.
It is beyond meaningful to know that my words have the ability to touch another human being to their core.
So parents keep up the detective work. Your messages mean more than you will ever know to authors.
For more information about my books click the link to visit my website